Saturday, March 23, 2013

car smash.

If I were a cool kid from an 80's movie I would probably have a top-notch hang out place. Well I'm not a cool kid and I was never in an 80's movie but I still want a top-notch hang out place. If I were to choose one as of lately it would be Macy's. Yes, as in our hometown grocery store-that Macy's. I go there for the ice cream and then spend hours looking through cheesy and hysterical hallmark cards. This is the life.

Anyways, my fate was sealed in the terrible decision to go to Macy's after the Miss PG pageant (Congratulations winners, by the way). So my dear friend and I loaded into the car and drove to our hometown grocery store. We safely made it to the parking lot where we diligently followed the unspoken American rule of driving around and around a parking lot until you find a place where the walk is less than 20 feet.

Finally, I found one. Unfortunately I had just barely passed it. So naturally I put my car in reverse and began to back up to get the spot. That' when I heard a terrible sound. Crunch, crunch, crunch. To my dismay this munching noise was not the sound of  Cheetos being eaten, I had backed over another car.


So I said half a swear word on accident (I don't know if that's what it was, it was really just a sound). And I put my hands in my head. Then I begged my friend for permission to run away. She said that I could not run away and I had to face the situation like an adult. (Even though I still have 10 days until I have to deal with that term.) So instead she instructed me to pull over. I obeyed. Shaking all the way over to the edge of the parking lot.

Then the strangest thing happened.

The car drove away. It just left. All the people in the car flipped me off, but they did not sue me or call the cops on me for nearly crushing them. I still don't quite understand the situation.

Moral of the story: don't go to Macy's after the Miss PG pageant. 

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