Thursday, April 4, 2013

girl code.

This post pertains to the previously unwritten "Girl Rules" which outlines the appropriate behaviors to ensure the friendship and happiness of every female. This pact serves as an unbreakable vow of sorts, although data is insufficient to prove whether or not you will die or not if you break pact protocol, but it's probable.

1. Boys
i. First and foremost, the Girl Code Rules must include rules about the dangerous interaction with the opposite sex. The primary rule is to follow "Girl Loyalty" (in other words, sisters before misters). Before throwing yourself at a male you must consider whether your association with said boy will case any challenges in your sisterhood relationship. Ignore all reckless and stupid instincts to throw caution to the wind and leave your friends in the dust.
ii. The "Dibs" rule comes next. This is a tricky one. This rule must only be loosely abided. It applies to (a) boyfriends of your BFF, (b) boys your BFF is in the process of flirting with, (c) ex-boyfriends of your BFF, and sometimes (d) boys your BFF harbor an undying and unrequited love for. (rule d only needs to be applied sometimes because if your BFF harbors too many crushes, she is not being a good BFF because she is limiting your boyfriend potential. So, if you also develop a crush for one of your BFF's crushes and she is not currently working on changing the status of unrequited love, you may pursue that man. but with caution.)
iii. Don't be a skunk-face slut to get any boys attention. You are a lady.

2. Secrets
i. Secrets of the usual sort may be shared between friends as is appropriate.
ii. If a BFF is sworn to secrecy then she should keep her trap shut and not spread the secret of her BFF. Not to other friends, not to cute boys, not to mommy. Unless the secret is of harmful nature to either the secret teller or anyone else, then please tell someone.

3. Truth-telling
i. BFF's should tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. This includes matters of importance and trivial matters alike. This includes telling one that there is food on their face, that they like the same boy, that there feeling have been hurt, etc. This may or may not apply to the question "Does this outfit make me look fat?" depending on the circumstances and the fatness of the outfit.
ii. Don't do that cryptic girl thing where you say the opposite of how you feel and then get passive-aggressive.

4. Socializing
i. Don't act like a narcissist and only talk about yourself. Listen to your BFF.
ii. When your BFF asks you to me her wing-woman, do your very best to help her out. This may present you with some awkward encounters, but know that she would do the same for you. Don't accept being her wing-woman if you secretly harbor feelings for the target man.
iii. Try to avoid making your BFF the awkward third-wheel. If, however, you end up a third-wheel at an event, be amiable and appropriate
iv. Don't throw your BFF under the bus in order to look cool. Stick up for your BFF at all costs of your own coolness. Don't let anyone gossip about your BFF, including yourself.

5. Being a decent human-being
i. Text and call your BFF back.
ii. Don't be selfish. If you have an extra t-a-m-p-o-n, fork it over. And for the love, you can spare a half piece of gum.
iii. If you borrow clothes they must return in good shape semi-promptly after the borrower is finished looking smokin'.

(For now, this is all I have. If you however compile your own list, comment with a link, I'd love to read it.)

Now repeat aloud: I, (state your name), do hereby agree to uphold the values of this pact, and will risk life and limb to protect these standards and the tradition of sisterhoods (like the cheetah girls, the 5 wise virgins, the sisterhood of traveling pants, etc) everywhere. 

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