Monday, April 15, 2013

forever alone.

I have kept a thorough journal ever since I was little.

There are many reasons to keep a journal. Prophets have told us it's a good idea, psychologists have theorized it's a good way to your days prioritized and of course it helps document your life. There are so many examples of great journals: The Diary of Anne Frank, The Diary of the Wimpy Kid, The Completely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian...the list continues. So, if you keep a journal you could become famous someday. (Secretly, that's the reason that has always motivated me to keep a journal, I am still looking for my big break.)

Well, if none of those reasons are good enough to keep a journal, take this one: you might find a gem like this nearly a decade later.

I'd like to introduce you to an excerpt from my journal.

"My worst fear is that I will never have a boyfriend in high school. And shark-people."

I laughed for days. I hand't before realized that I am literally living my worst fear. And not the part about shark-people. I am as single as ever, and with one term of public school left I don't predict ever having a boyfriend in high school. Who knew my life was so horrifying and scary.