Sunday, January 29, 2012

the downfall of our society.

(I apologize for the quality of this film, it's better on hulu if you care to check it out.)

The "youtube" generation, as we're referred to in the SNL clip, has an extremely inaccurate perception of what talent actually is. But that's okay because we can do anything! I'm a song writer, author, photographer, filmer, artist, model, stand-up comedian and occassionally, an interior designer, and I bet many of you are also.

As Newman put it; it's because we hand out participation ribbons. These days, everyone gets a ribbon, just for participating. You showed up to track and field day? Great, here's a ribbon. You entered a drawing into Reflections? Superb, here's a trophy.

And that is why we have no expectations for others, or ourselves. Which is why there are 30 year olds who still live with their parents and unemployed people demanding money. Like I said, this is the downfall of our society.

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